
Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Rule #2 Rule of three's


Rule of three’s;
3 seconds without hope,
3 minutes without air,
3 hours without shelter (harsh conditions),
3 days without water,
3 weeks without food,
3 months without companion.

So let’s break this down into more digestible information for those of you who don’t get it or sorta get it or just waiting for me to explain.

3 second without hope

This means that if you do not think you will survive you probably wont. You will most likely sabotage yourself before even trying.
What this means is before you can start building your bug out bag, stocking on water and food or even buying an umbrella. You must know how to use it, what to expect, what to do if something goes wrong and how to stay calm, cool and collected. While this may seem like a lot lets run through a quick example.

So the economy has collapsed, you friends and family are missing and you are cold, alone and to top it all of it’s raining. You have a bag full of stuff you brought for this occasion. You are struck with an idea “I need a fire or I am going to die”. So you pull out your small portable Esbit fuel tab stove and your fire steel and get it work trying to light it. Only problem is it won’t light. Now you’re depressed, sweating probably gonna knock over your stuff in a rage and finally tire yourself out and give up.
See how since you never used the stove before you didn’t know that the fuel tabs need direct fire such as matches to burn nor are you aware of the contents of your kit so don’t know you can just take your survival blanket and wrap yourself in it.
What I am getting at is, always be familiar with your kit, don’t make rash decisions based on temporary feelings and DO NOT GIVE UP!

3 minutes without air
All those who live near a volcano or perhaps surround by water know that air is something that can quickly be poisoned. For me air is a big thing because I do not travel a lot in fact I have only traveled twice and the worse part of it is always the air for example having lived in St Lucia my whole life when I took a trip to Jamaica, with cadets, we were immediately greeted with brown air, brown seas, hot breeze and dust. It was so bad that after only a few hours I got sick. I vomited got a fever and in three days my body had finally adapted enough so that it didn’t feel like I was choking every time I took a breath.
Of course that’s just my experience, many of my friends did not go through this, as all of them had traveled before to places like the US. I was the freshling who suffered. The point I am trying to make is that I am not saying that the air will be poisoned or anything I am saying that wherever you end up might be different whether its altitude or temperature without air you cannot function so spend some time where ever you are planning on bugging out to or at least carry a face mask and learn to swim if you are like me and live on an island you need to be able to swim.

3 hours without shelter

This is a simple one if it gets too hot you will die if it gets too cold you will die. Luckily I don’t have to experience snow wherever I go if I decide to just lay on a patch of grass, I can, all there is to worry about is rain. Now for those of you who are aware of "the struggle" you face, learn to build a basic tarp shelter, carry clothes based on your environment and do not take shelter for granted when planning especially if you have kids with you. Clothes are also your shelter. You aren’t born with it so it is an add on and keep it clean too.

3 days without water

Our bodies are 70% percent water the last time I checked and you lose that water in so many ways it is laughable. Have a means for collecting and storing water, purifying water as I am sure you don’t have a clean spring in which has no parasites or anything else in it, and a way to filter water.
The video linked above show a simple water kit which I believe everyone should have their own version of it.

3 weeks without food

Now whoever invented this is an idiot there is no way that you are out surviving maybe in the field or in the urban environment that you are gonna last without food for so long. Firstly you are burning calories that you are not replacing. Your body uses glucose for energy so say you drink a soft drink it won’t quench your thirst but it is pure sugar to give you a kick start, if that is all you have. Next go the fats in your body sure it may sound nice for all you dieters out there, but in a real world situation, by the time your body stars burning the fats you are already tired, hungry, irritable, angry and fatigued. You won’t get any work done in that state. Try missing a meal or two and see how it makes you feel, so that you have a base to go on. Lastly protein aka muscles. If your body is eating at its muscle you are starving. Literally starving and I’m sure some of you out there are saying you can push through, you know with adrenaline, will power, sugar and water. No. just no, if you have ever starved or been on the verge of starving you knows how it feels. So you can go three weeks without food but long before that you will be unable to work and fend for yourself. I am not saying pack dozens of MRE’s in your pack. I am saying pack some long lasting food to supplement whatever you find. Learn to find edibles.
There is admittedly not much you could do about this but try your best not to rely on starving yourself in a survival situation.

3 months without companion
This is a personal one that I added after some research. Humans are social animals without someone to be around you will simply find life not worth living. Look at people who are isolated ,maybe through depression, fear, mental illness they all have one thing in common they are not connected to society nor are they ground by materialistic things that often find ourselves obsessing over. It could be a deck of playing cards, a dog, a radio or even a notebook to write your thoughts on. Or you know a person.
Just make sure you are not setting yourself up only to give up in the long run.
 Try watching 127 hours and you will see what I mean by isolation especially in a survival situation.

YouTube video for more information

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And remember survival is not a choice but right earned at birth.
Be the Wolf!


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